Small box

Difficulty - Easy
- Satin raspberry paper (or paper with a sheen)
- 1-1/2 inch wide satin raspberry ribbon
- 1 Small pink rhinestone button
- Wrap a small box in raspberry paper.
- Cut a piece of ribbon long enough to wrap around the entire box
twice plus 5 inches.
- Centering the ribbon on the bottom of the box, bring the both sides
of the ribbon to the center top of the box and tie in a knot.
- Tie the ends again to form a loose knot and bring the ribbon down
on opposite sides of the box.
- Overlap the ends on the bottom of the box and glue.
- Glue a rhinestone button on top of the loose knot to finish the
Medium Rectangular Box
Difficulty - Easy
- Satin raspberry paper (or paper with a sheen)
- 1-1/2 inch wide satin raspberry wired ribbon
- 1 Small pink rhinestone button
- Wrap a medium, rectangular box in raspberry paper.
- Cut 2 pieces of ribbon: one long enough to wrap around the length
of the box plus 1 inch and another long enough to wrap around the
width of the box plus one inch.
- Center the shorter piece of ribbon on the top width of the box
and glue, overlapping the ends on the bottom of the box. Then center
the longer piece of ribbon on the top length of the box and glue,
overlapping the ends on the bottom of the box.
- To make the bow, cut a 26 inch piece of ribbon. Form two evenly
sized loops with the ends being the same length.
- Tie the two loops together to form a bow. Adjust the loops so they
are even with each other.
- Trim the ends to matching lengths, cutting them into a V shape.
- Glue the bow onto the box where the two ribbons cross.
- Adjust the bow and the tails to form a nice shape.
- Glue a rhinestone button on top of the bow to finish the gift.
Large Square Box
Difficulty - Medium
- Satin raspberry paper (or paper with a sheen)
- 1-1/2 inch wide satin raspberry wired ribbon
- 1 Large pink rhinestone button
- Wrap a large tall box in raspberry paper.
- Cut a piece of ribbon long enough to wrap around the entire box
4 times plus 20 inches.
- Lay ribbon on the top of the box and wrap underneath the box, crossing
at the bottom of the box.
- Bring both sides of the ribbon ends to the center top of the box
tie a knot.
- Using the ends, tie a bow on one side of the box the same way shoelaces
are tied. Adjust the loops so they are even with each other.
- With the remaining length of the ends, tie a bow on the opposite
side of the box to create a 4 loop bow, adjusting all loops so they
are even with each other and have a open form.
- Trim the ends to matching lengths, cutting them into a V and bending
them to form a nice shape. Keep the tails long so they will flow over
the side of the box.
- Glue a rhinestone button on top of the bow to finish the gift.
Tip - Appling a small amount of glue under the end
of each ribbon tail and attaching it to the side of the box will keep
the tails in place.